欧米茄勋章 & Sigma


Within 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活, there are two honor societies available for further development and recognition of individuals within the community. These two organizations provide furhter networking and development opporutnities for fraternity and sorority members, as well as additional scholarship opportunities and regional/national award recognition. Individuals who are eligible to apply for membership in these organizations will be contacted directly when the organizations are seeking new members.

欧米茄勋章 Logo
欧米茄勋章: This 领导 honor society for members of fraternities and sororities recognizes upper-level students who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, 领导, and involvement within their organizations and the campus communities. Members ar selected from the top five percent of students at the institution. Founded at the University of Miami in 1959, the Beta Mu chapter of 欧米茄勋章 established at Indiana State University in April of 1978, and has been continuously recognizing leaders in the FSL community for over 40 years.

Follow them on Instagram: @ind.澳门赌场玩法官网.ω

欧米茄勋章 Members at Fall 2019 Induction

Sigma Seal
Sigma: This national academic honor society is the premier organization committed to the academic success of fraternity and sorority members in alignment with the common purpose of the academic mission of the institution. 学生 are eligible for membership based on achieving a 3.5 or above cumulative grade point average and being a junior or senior in credit hours. Founded at the University of Southern California in 1989, the organization was formally established at Indiana State University in January of 2020. 

Sigma Spring 2022 Induction