
本科 Degrees

The 音乐学院 offers undergraduate degree programs in music business, 音乐教育, music performance, 以及文科. The 音乐学院 is an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of 音乐 (NASM) and consists of over 20 full-time teachers and several part-time teachers.

音乐学院 Program General Information

Bachelor of Arts/Science in 音乐 Business
With concentrations in Business 政府 or Merchandising. Bachelor in 音乐 Business merges business and musical expertise, preparing the graduate to enter the music industry with an ability to interact with professionals in both music and business.
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Bachelor of 音乐 Education
With concentrations in Choral/General or Instrumental/General. The Bachelor of 音乐 Education is intended for those students who wish to teach music in the schools at the elementary, 中间, or high school level.
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Bachelor of 音乐 in Performance or Composition
The Bachelor of 音乐 in Performance is designed for those students who wish to pursue graduate study and seek teaching positions in higher education or for those who wish to establish private studios and/or become composers. 学生 may choose piano, 的声音, 木管乐器, 黄铜, 字符串, or percussion as their performance emphasis. Other course work includes music theory and music skills (ear training and sight singing), 键盘和声, music history and literature, 进行, and pedagogical methods and philosophies. Many courses include supervised practical experience.
性能: 描述 | 目录 | 度地图 | 评估
成分: 描述 | 目录 | 度地图 | 评估

Bachelor of Arts/Science in 音乐 (Liberal Arts)
Bachelor of Science in 音乐 and the Bachelor of Arts in 音乐 degrees combine the best of the University's General Studies Program with formal musical preparation, for students who wish to pursue graduate study in music or other areas in the Humanities.
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Piano Pedagogy Certificate
A certificate program is also available in the area of Piano Pedagogy

The Minor in 音乐 is designed for those students who wish to continue their formal study of music, but primarily wish to earn a degree in another field. As with all other degree choices, the music minor student is eligible to perform in University choral and vocal ensembles, 乐队, 管弦乐队, percussion groups, and chamber ensembles.
目录-音乐小 | 目录-General 音乐 Teaching Minor

音乐 Industry Studies Minor
音乐 Industry studies is designed to prepare students for managing a wide spectrum of creative enterprises. The 音乐 Industry Studies Minor is not available to students who have declared any Major from the 音乐学院.