







Recognizing that administrative restructuring can be initiated both internally (from within units) 和 externally (from outside units), Proposals may be developed by a range of parties: an individual faculty member, 一群教员, 一个主席, 学院院长, 教务长, 或总统.

行政改革的建议包括合并单位, 划分单元, 形成新的单位, 消除单位, 以及其他无法预见的改变行政结构的计划.



当教师或主席提出行政改革时, the development of the Proposal must adhere to consultative processes within the unit. 委员会, 在适当的时候, 应该参与其中, 和 the results of committee votes should be recorded; subsequently, 本单位应当对提案进行审议, 单位投票的结果也必须记录下来.


Those within the unit who wish to propose restructuring must consult with the Dean 和 his or her staff to ensure the feasibility of the Proposal in terms of staffing, 设施, 预算, 和 resources; these consultations may forestall problems that are unforeseen at the unit level (distribution of FTEs, 预算问题, 空间分配, 和 so on) but that may be addressed in productive ways during the development process. 除了, the Dean should assess whether the Proposal can be implemented without creating adverse effects on other units within the College.


If individuals or groups of individuals within an affected unit—either members of committees or members of the unit as a whole—object to the proposed restructuring, they may prepare Written Dissents; while Dissents are not considered part of 这一提议, they will be forwarded with the Proposal as it continues through the review process.



当院长, 教务长, 或者总统提出行政改革, 他或她的办公室将准备提案.


The administrator who proposes the restructuring must consult with the affected units. 审查过程应在委员会一级开始, 在适当的时候, 和 the results of the committee votes must be recorded; subsequently, 本单位应当对提案进行审议, 而且单位投票的结果也必须记录下来.


If individuals or groups of individuals within the affected units—either members of committees or members of the unit as a whole—object to the proposed restructuring, they may prepare Written Dissents; while Dissents are not considered part of 这一提议, they will be forwarded with the Proposal as it continues through the review process.


Proposals must include the following elements (or an explanation of why the element does not apply):

基本原理:本节 includes both the context from which the Proposal developed 和 explanations of the benefits of administrative restructuring.

课程本节讨论该建议对课程的影响. 会得到什么,失去什么? 建议的变更会影响学生的执照或认证吗? 它会影响一个项目的认证吗?

人员配备本节讨论人事问题:与教员有关的问题, 兼职教授, 支持人员, 学生工作者, 以及其他任何操作单位所需的人员.

设施本节讨论办公室的管理, 教室, 实验室, 工作室, 或者其他物理空间.

技术支持: This section addresses the need for equipment, technical support, new services, 和 so on.

预算:本节 discusses the projected impact of administrative restructuring on a unit’s 预算ary activities, 无论是短期还是长期.

资源:本节 discusses how resources will be divided or combined, as appropriate.

其他问题:本节, 如果有必要的话, includes explanations of issues not covered in other sections that have a bearing on the administrative restructuring.

投票记录:本节 includes the votes at each stage of unit review: committee 和 whole unit.

书面异议,如果有的话, are not part of the formal Proposal but should be attached to it.



提案——连同书面异议, 如有,将提交给教务委员会主席.


The Chairperson will review the proposal to ensure that it contains all necessary elements. 如果提案不完整, 主席将要求提出一项经修订的提案, 详细说明所需添加的内容. 修订后的建议书将以与原始提交的建议书相同的方式处理.


当提案完成时, 主席将提交提案和异议, 如果有任何, 向院长及教务委员会执行委员会汇报. 主席还将提交提案和异议, 如果有任何, 学术事务委员会及行政事务委员会委员, charging them to evaluate the Proposal 和 provide a recommendation to the 教师 Council.



The Academic Affairs Committee 和 the Administrative Affairs Committee will review the Proposal separately. They may consult proponents to request additional information or suggest revisions.


If those who made the Proposal choose to revise it based on Committee 建议, 他们应通知教务委员会主席, 谁将通知教务长及执行委员会.

The initiators of the Proposal should then return to affected committees 和 units for additional discussions 和 votes (see Stage 1). The revised Proposal should then be forwarded to the Chairperson of the 教师 Council (see Stage 2). 修订后的建议书将以与原始提交的建议书相同的方式处理.

如果提案发起者选择不修改, 各委员会将着手其建议.


Each Committee will make a recommendation to the 教师 Council to approve or reject the Proposal.


A brief summary of the discussion 和 the vote of each Committee will be forwarded to the Chairperson of the 教师 Council, who will place the Proposal on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the 教师 Council 和 forward to all members of the 教师 Council the following documents:

1. 这一提议,

2. 书面异议(如有)

3. the summaries 和 votes of both the Academic Affairs Committee 和 the Administrative Affairs Committee.



Those who initiated the Proposal—either the person(s) or representatives of the group or unit—must attend the meeting at which the 教师 Council will discuss the Proposal.


在教务委员会讨论建议时, those representing the Proposal may be asked to provide additional commentary or respond to questions. The Council will also allow any ISU faculty member with interest in the Proposal to address the Council. 讨论后,将表决批准或否决该提案.


After the 教师 Council votes, the Chairperson will forward the following documents to the Dean:

1. 这一提议,

2. 书面异议,如果有的话,

3. the summaries 和 votes from both the Academic Affairs Committee 和 the Administrative Affairs Committee, 和

4. 学院委员会的讨论总结,以及委员会的投票结果.



The Dean will review the full range of documents related to the Proposal 和 prepare a written evaluation that will be shared with the 教师 Council.


If either the Dean or the 教师 Council supports the proposed administrative restructuring, the Dean will forward the following documents to the Chairperson of the 教师 Senate:

1. 这一提议,

2. 书面异议,如果有的话,

3. the summaries 和 votes from both the Academic Affairs Committee 和 the Administrative Affairs Committee,

4. 教务委员会的总结和表决;以及

5. 院长评价. However, if both the Dean 和 the Council reject the proposal, the process ends.

讨论应该是详细和翔实的, 即使计划的某些要素不能完全解决. 例如, projections about staffing 和 预算 often must be negotiated at later stages; however, 提议者应该提供计划, 建议, 和预测.