

CRIM 507:警察组织与管理(3学分). 按行组织和管理的原则, 工作人员, and auxiliary functions; specific concentration on organization of police services, 管理服务, 操作服务, 辅助服务. perquisites: 200 and 320 ( which may be taken concurrently), or consent of the instructor.

CRIM 516:犯罪学专题讨论会(3学分). 考虑到犯罪学的一个特定领域. Course is offered for credit or noncredit, and for in-service or preservice students. 每次研讨会都会选择不同的主题. A student may earn a maximum of 6 hours of credit by enrolling in different sessions. 前提条件:6小时的犯罪学或教师的同意.

刑事课程520:刑法与诉讼程序I(3学分). An analysis of history and 发展 of criminal law as a system of social control, 范围, 目的, and general principles of criminal law; and the essential haracteristics of various crimes. 前提条件:6小时的犯罪学或教师的同意.

CRIM 521:刑法与诉讼II(3学分). 520的延续. prerequisites: 6 hours of criminology; 520 or consent of instructor.

CRIM 523:青少年犯罪(3学分). Definitions and interpretations of theories of causation and prevention; organization and functions of community agencies and institutions, 包括警察, 法院, 和试用. 前提条件:6小时的犯罪学或教师的同意.

CRIM 530:惩教机构(3学分). The correctional institution in the United states as it exists today in terms of its 发展, 目标, 和标准, 包括监狱, 拘留的家园, 管教所, furlough-detention营地, 开放及封闭院校.  前提条件:6小时的犯罪学或教师的同意.

CRIM 531:社区矫正(3学分). This course covers the variety of alternatives to incarceration which collectively are known as community-based 修正, 包括转移, 审前释放, 罚款, 房屋, 监禁, 归还, 社区服务, 一半的房子, 缓刑和假释. 前提条件:6小时的犯罪学或教师的同意. 

CRIM 532:证据法(3学分). analysis of the rules of evidence; their functional relationship to the culture in which they operate, 以及它们对执法的影响, 刑事起诉, 以及矫正过程. 先决条件:520,521,或教师同意.

CRIM 535:刑事调查(3学分). 调查机构的组织和职能, 侦查犯罪的基本考虑, 收集和保存物证, 提交证据中的法律证明要素, 调查特定类型的犯罪. 先决条件:200和320,或教师的同意.

CRIM 540:刑事司法伦理(3学分). 一门关于道德、犯罪和刑事司法系统的研究. This course explores a variety of theoretical perspectives relative to the study of ethical behavior and then applies this discussion to the practice of 执法 和修正.

CRIM 601:研讨会:犯罪学理论(3学分). The presentation and discussion of the various theories of crime and delinquency causation and the research which has been done to develop and test theories.

CRIM 602:惩教辅导(3学分). Case work and counseling as applicable in probation, parole, and institutions.

CRIM 603: SEMINAR: TREATMENT PRACTICES AND TECHNIQUES IN CORRECTIONS (3 credits). An advanced course in 修正 designed to cover issues surrounding the provision of treatment of various groups in the correctional system. Primary focus is directed towards understanding how to lead groups, 评估治疗相关研究, 处理特殊人群,比如瘾君子, 精神健康罪犯, 和受害者. 

CRIM 604:研讨会:警察问题与实践(3学分). 组织结构, 管理实践, and operating procedures of police departments; the 目的 of each practice and the principle to be followed in achieving it.

CRIM 605:惩教管理(3学分). an analysis and evaluation of the administrative organization of contemporary state and federal correctional systems. 商业组织, 保管的, 工业, 以及惩教机构的治疗功能.

CRIM 606:研讨会:犯罪学研究(3学分). An analysis of research in criminology, focusing an several aspects of the criminal justice system. Examination of research methods and problems for the researcher in conducting criminological research.

CRIM 607:研讨会:法律与社会(3学分). A study of relationship between the law and the culture of the society in which it functions. 分析了作为社会制度的法律, 它可能的起源, 它的发展经历了不同的历史时期, 以及它在西方文明中的现状. special emphasis is placed upon the problems of contemporary criminal law in the United states, the effects of recent social changes and conflicts on the criminal counts, 前人的权利和责任, 以及修改美国刑法的各种建议.

CRIM 608: SEMINAR IN LAW AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION (3 credits). This seminar provides an in-depth study of the legal requirements and problems associated with the administration of criminal justice agencies, 包括执行, 起诉, 裁定, 和修正. Special emphasis is given to issues confronting managers in the areas of personnel administration, 工作场所安全和健康, 环保合规, 公民权利, 逃避责任, 以及财务管理. Recent 发展s in legislation and judicial decisions are studied.

CRIM 609: CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (3 credits). This seminar provides an overview of principles of organization and management including budgeting, 规划, 员工选拔与培训, 制定政策. 学生将扩大他们的活动知识, 以及刑事司法机关管理所涉及的程序. Specific emphasis is placed on developing and enhancing the communication skills and critical thinking required of today's managers.

CRIM 621:高级刑事诉讼程序(3学分). An advanced treatment of criminal procedure issues relating to 刑事起诉. Legal topics explored include legal aspects of bail and pretrial detention, 收费的决定, 大陪审团, 实行诉辩交易的, 犯罪的发现, 审判前的宣传, 受审能力, 陪审团审判, and a defendant's rights of confrontation and to effective assistance of counsel.

CRIM 630:纠正研讨会(3学分). 一门高级纠错课程,旨在涵盖历史, 发展, 当前实践, 关键问题, 以及矫正的未来. Particular focus will be on the study of the various theoretical and practical approaches to 修正 and the current research in the field designed assess these practices.

CRIM 635:高级刑事调查(3学分). This course will examine the role of investigation and evidence in criminal justice. 管理技术, 分析和批判性思维, 并对科学技术的作用进行了探讨. Ethical issues and special topics and controversies in criminal investigation are presented.

CRIM 697:个人指导学习(1-6学分). An individual study of a particular area or problem in criminology 和修正 as decided upon by the student and the instructor. An outline of the proposed study must be submitted to the instructor for approval prior to enrollment in the course. 前提条件:教师同意.

CRIM 698:犯罪学实习(3-6学分). 安置在几个刑事司法系统设置之一, 比如法庭, 修正, 执法, 或者一个研究机构. prerequisite: 12 hours of criminology and consent of instructor. (students who have completed internships as undergraduates may substitute other courses for the internship.)

CRIM 699:硕士论文(6学分). 犯罪学研究论文.

NOTE: Courses in the 500 series are open to undergraduate students as *400 series. 研究生 students are required to do additional work of a research nature. A course taken at the 400 level may not be repeated at the 500 level.



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