Patrons: 肯尼斯和特蕾莎·史密斯

澳门合法赌场官网校友. Kenneth L. Smith, in June 2021, gave $1 million to the university to honor his late wife and support scholarships in accounting, economics, finance, and history. Smith, who taught economics and finance for 42 years at the university level, met his wife at the University of North Texas. The couple were married for 32 years prior to Theresa’s passing in 2019.



In recognition of the gift, the 校董会 approved the naming of the Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith Magna Carta Courtroom on the second floor of the Federal Building, home of the 斯科特商学院. The space, once a federal courtroom, features a mural depicting the 1215 signing of the Magna Carta. 画于1935年. Smith said an elementary school field trip to what was then the Terre Haute Post Office and Federal Building left a lasting impression.

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith Magna Carta Courtroom mural

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith Magna Carta Courtroom mural

斯科特商学院 dean, Terry Daugherty said that "We are extremely proud of Dr. Smith’s career as a business professor and humbled by his desire to support future Sycamores. Ken and Terri shared a passion for accounting and finance, 在许多其他兴趣中, and it is a privilege to honor their legacy together in one of the most distinguished and beautiful spaces on campus."

Joyful Giving

Dr. Kenneth L. Smith’s personal connection for giving to establish four scholarships in Accounting, Economics, Finance and History and name the Magna Carta Courtroom at 澳门合法赌场官网.

The Magna Carta Libertatum (Latin for Great Charter of Freedoms), commonly referred to simply as the Magna Carta, represents the confluence of business disciplines (Accounting / Economics / Finance)及社会科学(Economics /人类学/ History / Political Science) as we know them today. The Magna Carta was originally intended to provide barons a degree of freedom from King John in 1215. However, by limiting the government and executive powers over his barons, and by establishing legitimate legal rights, 虽然只对贵族开放, the document gradually diffused a degree of freedom and due process all over the world for several centuries to come.

This agreement provided for the allocation of scarce resources – would the King be allowed to tax the barons or would they be free to decide how to allocate their funds as they pleased? As such, the Magna Carta is an Economic document. Finance also involves allocating economic scarce resources (income) – between today and the future (e.g.借贷者. lenders) or between credit and ownership (debt v. equity). Modern 税务会计 involves making economic decisions to allocate scarce resources as well (e.g., deciding the best method for charitable giving). 现代管理会计 analyzes the allocation decisions of managers in the pursuit of an organization's goals (e.g., decisions regarding board members, management, executive compensation, stock options). 财务会计 involves reporting these allocation decisions (e.g.短期vs短期vs. long-term debt decisions, liquid vs. 非流动资产)给投资者.

Thus, the Magna Carta represents the intersection of Economic decision-making involving accounting and finance that has been ongoing for millennia (as long as trade has existed). Indeed, those who think and write Historically, in terms of centuries rather than years or even decades, are among the most educated.

Dr. Kenneth L. Smith
ISU 73 74届校友

It was also announced that the Conference Room on the first floor of the Federal Hall would be renamed the Richard W. Smith Sr. and Dorothy Smith Postmaster’s Conference Room in recognition of an additional contribution to Indiana State by Smith, whose father worked in the Post Office for more  30 years.

Federal Hall - FD101 Conference Room

Richard W. Smith Sr. and Dorothy Smith Postmaster’s Conference Room - FD101

ISU alumnus honors his late wife with $1 million gift for scholarships (2021年6月16日)