Male Involvement

“Women are always saying, we can do anything that men can do.  But men should be saying, we can do anything that women can do.”
- Gloria Steinem

Inside Out is an organization obligated to the education and prevention of sexual violence in all its forms in our local community.  By raising awareness and educating our fellow peers, Inside Out strives to create a respectable, energetic, and most importantly, safe environment focused on leading the path to end sexual violence across all barriers of our local community.
Our membership meetings are held on Thursdays @ 8pm in HMSU 227.






For more information find us on social media: @ISU_INSIDEOUT

Man Enough?


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Contact Us

Women's Resource Center
Dr. Elonda Ervin, Executive Director
725 Hulman Memorial Student Union

Graduate Student – Erin Stanton
712 Hulman Memorial Student Union
Phone: (812) 237-3875
Fax: (812) 237-8774

Resource Center Hours
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM