

online bachelor of science (B.S.) in intelligence analysis prepares students for careers as intelligence analysts in the U.S. government (local, 澳门赌场玩法官网, federal), the 军事, 和 the private sector. 这个程序是 the first 和 only of its kind in the 澳门赌场玩法官网 of Indiana.

的 Intelligence Analysis Program teaches students innovative ways to structure their thinking to solve complex, real-world problems when there is both time pressure 和 a lack of reliable information. 的 程序 highlights the continually evolving nature of intelligence analysis, with an emphasis on employing new academic research into analytical methods. 的 academic knowledge 和 skills students gain from this 程序 include the preparation of assessments based on the collection, 相关, 和 analysis of intelligence data, whether relating to national security, 执法, 军事, 或者商业智能.

Coursework includes a required core of courses in 犯罪学 和 刑事司法 as well as intelligence analysis.  除了, students complete directed electives 和 一个 of the following 浓度s:

  • Counterintelligence 浓度 for those who desire a career in 军事 or government

  • 刑事情报 浓度 for those who desire a career in 刑事司法 or private sector

  • 情报收集 浓度 for those who desire a career in the government or private sector

  • Intelligence operations 浓度 for those who desire a career in the government, 军事, 刑事司法, or private sector

Each student gains practical experience through completion of an internship with a local, 澳门赌场玩法官网, 联邦私营部门, 或者非营利机构.

学生 benefit from classes taught by award-winning faculty who hold doctorates in 犯罪学, 刑事司法, 法学, 社会学, 公共管理, 计算机科学, 以及安全研究. Many have experience in the field in intelligence analysis, 网络安全, 治安, 修正, 刑事调查, 和心理学.

这个程序是 open to entering freshmen (with no previous 大学 experience) as well as transfer students. Previously earned 大学 credit can be applied toward completion of the 程序 per these 转移的指导方针.

的 online Intelligence Analysis Program is open to eligible students in the U.S. (including the District of Columbia 和 all U.S. 领土). 的 程序 also is open to students in Canada (all provinces). 这个程序是 关闭 to students residing in countries other than the U.S. 和加拿大,除了美国.S. 军事 和 State 部门 personnel 和 their family members with APO/FPO addresses.

All courses are offered online. 校园 visits are not required.



研究生s of the Intelligence Analysis Program possess the knowledge 和 skills needed for successful careers as intelligence analysts in the U.S. government, 军事, 和 the private sector.  的 job outlook is bright, with the number of intelligence jobs in the U.S. expected to grow significantly through 2020. Intelligence Analysis is a growing sector of employment that is currently underserved.

Potential career options include the following:

  • 联邦调查局分析员或探员
  • 中央情报局分析员或官员
  • Military intelligence analyst
  • 国土安全部特工
  • 刑事司法官员
  • 刑事调查员
  • 侦探
  • 边境巡逻人员
  • Intelligence analyst for government agencies
  • Information analyst for non-profit 和 the private sector

除了, the 程序 is excellent preparation for graduate study in intelligence analysis, 刑事司法, 犯罪学, 执法, or other social science related disciplines.

金融援助 & 奖学金

学生 have many sources of 金融支持 为了他们的学习, 包括经济援助, 勤工俭学, 退伍军人的福利, 和 special scholarships for entering freshmen 和 transfer students.


For further information 和 assistance, contact:

(812) 237-2345


的 研究生目录 和 本科目录 of 印第安纳州 University are the documents of authority for all students. 的 requirements given in the catalogs supersede information issued by any academic department, 程序, 大学, 或学校. 的 University reserves the right to change the requirements at any time.